Organization not found

Nona Search Technologies GmbH

Web Search
Is this your organization?
Nona is a search engine developed for Germany and Europe, focused on providing more privacy, data protection, and security. The search engine does not collect user data and aims to provide the best and most relevant results without overwhelming users with advertisements. Nona offers interactive results for search queries, including weather and stock prices. The company offers a minimal amount of advertising and a completely ad-free experience for a monthly fee of 2€. The legal entity name of the company is Nona Search Technologies GmbH. The city where the company is located is Cologne. The country where the company is located is Germany (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code: DE).


The organization is above average and focused on defending privacy

Ubiscore's privacy score range from 100 to 900. The higher the score, the better the privacy practices are.

719/ Exceptional

Domains (01)

The following list includes connections that may pose privacy risks and put the organization at risk of non-compliance. These connections involve domains that are contacted without explicit consent from end-users on
Plausible Insights OÜ
Plausible Insights OÜ


Ubiscore evaluates an organization's compliance with privacy laws by collecting independent data through indicators based on publicly available information.
Privacy awareness is at a healthy level
No consent form found from known provider
Privacy policy accessible
Privacy policy found
Privacy policy provides a data protection contact
Privacy policy provides contact e-mail

Email Servers

Heinlein-Support GmbhHeinlein-Support Gmbh

    Server location:

    Web Servers

    Hetzner Online GmbhHetzner Online Gmbh

    Server location:



    What does it mean to be certified by Ubiscore?

    The Ubiscore program awards a privacy badge to organizations that participate and demonstrate a strong commitment to safeguarding customer privacy. This is achieved through regular and independent privacy monitoring, along with providing the necessary evidence. The privacy monitoring and scoring system is built upon four key pillars:


    Ubiscore provides independent privacy assessments for every organization. The results cannot be manipulated and can only be improved by mitigating privacy risks.


    Each assessment is based on publicly available data and technical indicators related to privacy. Ubiscore’s scoring model is data-driven and objective.


    How data is handled and protected should not be hidden in reports or privacy policies. Ubiscore's results are clear and fully transparent.


    Ubiscore makes privacy a sales driver that incentivizes organizations to be better than their peers.