Gain trust, avoid fines with our privacy badge

The #1 AI Privacy Scoring Platform for GDPR, CCPA, CPRA, and LGPD compliance.


World’s First “Privacy Score

It’s like a credit score, but for privacy. Find out how good you are at protecting data (and how to get better) with just the click of a button!

Raise Your Reputation

Safeguarding customer privacy is not just a protective measure—it’s a strategic opportunity for brand growth.

AI-driven Solution

When it comes to privacy, consultants and legal opinions are great. But what’s even better is combining professional opinions with the power of facts

Customer Success Stories

Ubiscore allows us to quickly and efficiently check our website when we have made changes. This way we can be sure to remain privacy compliant
Ubiscore's real-time reports support Urban Sports Club's legal and privacy teams. This allows technical integrations to be independently verified for privacy compliance
Ubiscore helps Polarstern's data protection team with regular audits to identify and eliminate data protection risks
As a lawyer and data protection expert, I need reliable software to identify technical data protection risks. Ubiscore offers exactly that


    CISO / Privacy Coordinator

    Legal Team

    General Counsel


    Managing Director / Founder


    Attorney at Law

See How it works

  • 01 Receive instant privacy score
  • 02 Automate diligent review of vendors
  • 03 See risks and mitigation strategies
  • 04 Get awarded a certificate
  • 05 Increase customer trust and sales
  • Startups Startups or established SMEs that are having a hard time understanding ever changing privacy laws. You already invest a lot of money into consultants and general compliance. Ubiscore offers a way to spend less and better understand the results.
  • DPO As a DPO your colleagues often ask you to give green light to the new innovative Saas they want to use. Learn how Ubiscore can help you with an automated, but diligent review of Saas vendors.
  • Auditor or Consultant Working as an Auditor or Consultant requires you to analyze potentially hundreds of vendors processing data from your clients. Discover what insights Ubiscore gives into third- and fourth-party management.
  • Founder or Investor No matter if you are a Founder or Investor, you want to know who you can trust and where the competition stands on privacy. Ubiscore provides real-time monitoring of data breaches and compliance risks, so you can get notified about and fix privacy threats instantly.